
100 ways to smile continues and still on WHAT MAKES WOMEN SMILE. An acquaintance recently walked up to me lamenting about how his girlfriend or should I say fiancée decided to end their relationship, how he’d been hurt, his ego bruised and how clueless he was about what caused it. I probed further on happenings…


100ways2smile—15 The currency of a smile remains a universal one; we all smile in the same language. We might have different things that take us faster to the smile state depending on our various love languages. I suggest you search that up online if you don’t know yours. I’m sure if you think through you…

100 ways to smile…..14

Now to the 14th and still on what makes women smile. Whilst all the points mentioned so far on these series make no boast as one size fits all for women, they remain valid hints. Its remains amazing how little drops of gestures can make an ocean force that sweeps a woman off her feet….

100 ways to smile—– 13

SMILE 13 Still on with what makes women smile. Arrived early for a meeting yesterday and since i had some time before the meeting, I threw the question open. WHAT MAKES WOMEN SMILE? Then the debate began as it was clash of words between two ladies and a guy. It must even more interesting because…

100 Ways to Smile

SMILE 12 This is the 12th smile and its been interesting learning as each day goes by. I get to hear different perspectives in which people perceive and appreciate life as well as what gets to them on the negative too. Its so amazing how little things can cause great impacts. Like how eating a…


100 ways to smile>>> On the third week now and there seems to be a slight twist or should I just say twists. Decided to visit my nephews and niece last week after one of them (age 5) asked to speak to me on phone. I wasn’t reachable so I asked him why he wanted…


100 ways to smile>>>> Finally!!! I get to reach the tithe of 100 ways to smile. I barely started and was already asking myself ‘who send you message’. I wished I could easily have picked a quick number like 10 and by now i could have been signing out on the series. If there are…


100 ways to smile …….. I met the young tall Tolu last weekend and something I wouldn’t forget so fast about her is her hearty smile. I sought to know more about her and realized  that she is a high school student who has a passion for drama and theater and so she takes drama…


100 ways to smile continues….. Not been to a cyber cafe in a long while but since my internet service was acting funny, had no choice than to look for one around for this post. In my time of thinking, I realized one of the things that wipes smiles of faces is frustration which caused…


100 WAYS TO SMILE smile ……… The second week continues and we are counting more smiles. I took the 1st step in faith without seeing all the 98 pictures to follow. I have seen the last in my mind though. I believe there’s so much strength in making that 1st move in life to start…