100ways2smile —- 51

So we are back on 100ways2smile. The sabbatical leave-AWOL ( absence without leave) had to come to an end!. On to the 51st smile on the SMILE PROJECT. I want to appreciate everyone who has followed the journey silently only to see me and ask ‘what happened to the smile project’, Long live your kingdom!…

100ways2smile —- 50

WOW!!! It just seems like last week that this project kicked off and now 100ways2smile hits the 50th smile. Yipee!!! In spite of the delays at some point, glad the SMILE PROJECT has finally touched down midpoint. Thanks to all who have made one input or the other and also those who have followed the…

100way2smile —-48

100ways2smile on the 48th smile. Dedicating today to wish my friend and name sake Michael of Nobis photography a happy birthday. Appreciate the people in your life and they will smile for it. Meeting my goals and good memories make me smile -Michael Aguwnobi

100ways2smile —- 47

On to the 47th smile on the 100ways2smile SMILE PROJECT. Stumbled into writing about gratitude yesterday and thinking more on it now, the benefits are really heart warming. A heart of gratitude really makes one find reasons to smile. Was with a group of friends last week at our friend’s dad’s funeral ceremony. it was…

100ways2smile —- 46

100ways2smile picks up again and we are on to the 46th smile on this SMILE PROJECT. Could give a number of excuses for the break in progress like time, being under the mind weather, internet, being too busy etc but all that counts now is that we are up and going again. Sometimes people ,…

100ways2smile —- 45

100ways2smile continues after a short break. On to the 45th Smile on the SMILE PPROJECT. I welcome myself back from a short break. Met Afolake the artistic banker recently. An interesting lady who currently works with a new generation bank and is fashion enthusiast. She dreams of visiting at least a 100 countries in her…

100ways2smile —-43

The 43rd smile on 100ways2smile. Still pondering on the statement from SMILE 42 . “ONCE WE BEGIN TO KNOW THE BEING BEHIND THE PRETTY OR VERY UGLY FACE AS DETERMINED BY OUR BIAS, THE SURFACE APPEARANCE FADES AWAY UNTIL THEY SIMPLY NO LONGER MATTER” Good looks are certainly good and they can sure open doors…

100ways2smile —-42

100ways2smile on the 42nd smile. So here we go again gradually approaching the middle of this journey. To think that after all we’ve done so far, it’s just almost mid way. Sometimes I just wish I chose 50ways2smile and would almost be kissing this project good job and good bye. Naaaaa! It’s been fun and…

100way2smile —-41

100ways2smile’s 41st smile. It’s been a bit tough trying to keep up this project considering other work schedule but glad we are still on to see this through. The beauty of if all will be the ripple effect of inspiration and triggering of smiles. Now listening to ludovico Einaudi’s piano’s piece as I proceed thanks…

100ways2smile —-40

100ways2smile moves on to the 40th smile. It’s interesting how our themes have shown up on this SMILE project. From what makes women smile to what makes the men do same, random acts, in pursuit of happiness and I believe more will show up as we progress. It’s a few minutes after 2am and as…